Drupal 8 is here. We know that developers and users alike are full of praise for Drupal 8, but what, if anything, is so desirable about it, so ‘must-have’?
More often than not with nearly all the projects I work on with Appnovation, we're tasked with some degree of updating, redesigning and modernizing an existing web presence, the target result being something new and shiny.
DrupalCon is the heartbeat of the Drupal community, where important connections are made, improvements to the project happen, and cutting edge knowledge is shared.
Throughout the software development world there are many “evangelist” roles who sell the code to the community, but maybe we need the other side? Maybe we need to sell the community to the those who are just there for the code.
DrupalCon is one of my favorite weeks of the year. Now that it’s over, I’ve had some time to go back and reflect a bit about the week and what I got out of it.