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Articles from 10jumps Blog

0) Try and flush the menu cache, theme cache

0) Try and flush the menu cache, theme cache

Very often we work on projects that are hosted on a remote server. There are multiple ways to work on the remote files:

1. ssh into the remote machine and use an editor like vi or emacs to edit the files

Very often we work on projects that are hosted on a remote server. There are multiple ways to work on the remote files:

1. ssh into the remote machine and use an editor like vi or emacs to edit the files

Create the custom autocomplete field using the custom module.
How to create a custom autocomplete form and to get the user names or or anything else?
Here is the example.
*Implementation of hook_menu().

Create the custom autocomplete field using the custom module.
How to create a custom autocomplete form and to get the user names or or anything else?
Here is the example.
*Implementation of hook_menu().
