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Articles from tsvenson

I saw this tweet flashing by in my stream today:

What immediately caught my eye was Drupaleros, the Spanish word for Drupal User. Its such a great word and just sounds great.

Or what do you say about:

If you’ve been around the IT business a couple of decades, I’m sure you also remember what happened whenever Microsoft released a new Office version. They received a storm of user complaints!

I spend a lot of my time in the Drupal issue queues, working with others in the community, collaborating on fixing problems and improving both core and contributed projects.

Its two and a half month since my community initiative Drupal SBUI made its announcement and a lot has happened since. I would like to take this opportunity to give you an update and overview of things.

I have, shamelessly, stolen the headline from the second slide of Jeff Eaton’s keynote (see embedded video at the end) at DrupalCamp Toronto November 17th.

Yesterday, Michael Keara, Doug Vann and I announced the formation of the Drupal SiteBuilding Usability Initiative, or Drupal SBUI for short.

Yesterday I published the Why not Drop IE8 support for Drupal 8? post and it got some really great feedback in the comments.

Today DrupalCon Munich opened with the training and CxO. OK, there have been some sprints going on over the weekend too, but the real opening was today.

By now, from reading the previous posts in this series, I hope I have been able to give you a better understanding about the various tasks and challenges a Drupal site builder is faced with.
