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While working on just CSS changes on your Drupal website, it can sometime take ages to reload on performance heavy pages.
Those who are following know, that I am experimenting with different ways how to explain designers Drupal in my workshops.
For the last two years I am bending Drupal UI as much as possible and approach it rather differently than I did before.
Last week I've stumbled upon a firefox extension called Tilt which is aiming to be a DOM inspector such firebug but in 3D using WebGL.
The idea of having an interactive overview of Drupal phases emerged from various Drupal workshops I did in the past months.
Where all the EU Drupal front-end developers and designers will be in June 25th & 26th? Yes, in Berlin for Drupal Design Camp!
On March 19th, 2011, I have attended a conference called The Big Clean here in Prague.
The title says it all. I love to travel, meet new people, experience local community and share my knowledge - I do believe a lot of folks in Drupal community have the same passion.