Jonathan Brown

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Articles from Jonathan Brown

According to the SI standard, there are 1000 bytes in a kilobyte.

In Mozilla Chairperson Mitchell Baker's DrupalCon Denver 2012 keynote she announced a new web authentication system they are developing called Mozilla Persona.

In Mozilla Chairperson Mitchell Baker's DrupalCon Denver 2012 keynote she announced a new web authentication system they are developing called Mozilla Persona.

The slogan of the new Drupal website is:

Come for the software, stay for the community

The slogan of the new Drupal website is:

Come for the software, stay for the community

Earlier this year Drupal core developers were getting a strange error message while developing Drupal 7:

Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0

Earlier this year Drupal core developers were getting a strange error message while developing Drupal 7:

<br>Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0<br>
