Frederic Marand

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Articles from Frederic Marand

These are the slides of the presentation I gave yesterday at DrupalDevDays Milan.

One of the big trends during the Drupal 8 creation has been the replacement of info hooks by two main mechanisms: annotations, and YAML files.

I've been doing a lot more Meteor these days, especially working on Drupal 8 SSO with Meteor, and could not find a reasonably complete and up-to-date (for Meteor list of the Tinytest asserti

Autoloading in D8 is much more convenient that in previous versions, however, it still has limitations.

One nice thing during Drupal 7/8 development is the ability, thanks to the devel module, to get a list of all SQL queries ran on a page.

One of the interesting aspects of the revamped menu/links system in Drupal 8 is the fact that menu links are now in easily parseable YAML files, the "(module)" in each module, in which each menu link can be bound to its parent link,

A few days ago, while I was writing a bit of Silex code and grumbling at Doctrine DBAL's lack of support for a

Yesterday, Seldaek committed PSR-4 support to Composer, as his New Year's Day gift to the PHP community.
