It's always there, just sitting taking up space. Much of the time it goes unused, but you want to keep it there just in case. I'm talking about the search box, and it has become a ubiquitous but often overlooked element of a site.
It's a trap that a lot of sites fall into: you get the site designed and developed, you're finishing up implementation and then it hits you. Where are we going to put the ads?
We've done a lot of different tutorials regarding what you can do to expand your current site features, but what about things you can do before your site launches?
Today we're going to look at a use of Drupal that is a bit outside the norm. Instead of the usual business website, corporate blog, or news magazine site, let's look at a building a presentation tool. How or why would you use such a thing?
Anyone with a little experience with Views knows that you can take a list of content and expose some filters to your users so that they can limit or rearrange the list to their specifications.