New module: Custom Formatters
I just can't help myself, whenever I get an idea for a Drupal module stuck in my head, especially one that makes so much sense, I just have to write it.
Only a few days ago I got a feature request for my Drag'n'Drop Uploads (DnDU) module that I instantly dismissed. The user wanted the ability to modify the templates for the output that gets injected into a Textarea upon a successful Drag'n'Drop upload; While the idea had merit, DnDU takes advantage of the CCK/Field Formatters functionality, not defining the templates nor the template system itself.
My original opinion was for the user to simply write their own formatter inside of a custom module, as that is what I would do in that situation, but after I gave it a bit more thought I decided that the ability to write your own custom formatters inside of the Drupal back-end would not only be quite useful, it would also be quite easy to write... so I did.