New Drupal 8 Committer: Lee Rowlands!
I am pleased to announce that Lee Rowlands has accepted our invitation to be a Drupal 8 provisional framework manager.
Lee is based in Australia and has been heavily involved with the Drupal community both at home and internationally. His involvement with core and his contributions to a huge variety of projects on is impressive. You can read more about his contributions at his Community Spotlight. A quote:
"As a contributor you are incredibly lucky to have your work constructively reviewed by some of the world's best programmers. Every time someone makes a suggestion on your patch, you learn a little more. I've learnt so many programming concepts from reviewing other's code and having my code reviewed by others."
For years, Lee has been stepping up to do what's most needed for Drupal. For example, when Forum module was potentially at risk of being removed from core, Lee stepped up to adopt it in response. He's also very active on the Drupal security team to ensure fixes go out in a timely manner. Lee cares both about the maintainability of Drupal itself and the concerns and experiences of other Drupal contributors.
Lee builds sites for some of the Australia's largest government, education, media and non-profit organizations. He has spoken regularly at events in Australia/New Zealand since 2010. In addition, Lee is a long-time mentor to others, and has inspired many people all over the world to be a part of the Drupal community.
Please join me in welcoming Lee.