My First Drupal 8 Theme using Compass
Non-themer attempt
By Cathy Theys
I was at the Fox Valley, Illinois USA meetup that dicussed compass. Of course, I wanted to try it for real... and on Drupal 8. Here is what I did.
Installing compass
I prepared for the meetup by installing compass earlier in the day. I looked at two tutorials:
and installed it by doing:
$ sudo gem update --system<br>$ sudo gem install sass --pre<br>$ sudo gem install compass --pre
I got some warnings and ignored them.
The Meetup
I watched (and gently heckled) @j_bell at the Fox Valley meetup. The presentation is at After the presentation, Jason and I got a Drupal 8 theme going on my laptop in about 10 minutes.
Making my first Drupal 8 theme
Themes go right in the top level theme directory. My local webroot is ~/foo and my drupal root is at: ~/foo/drupal. So first I did: cd ~/foo/drupal
Then cd themes
and decided to name my theme "my". So I make a directory with that name. mkdir my
and cd my
I initialized the directory with compass init
And started watching it (in another terminal window) with compass watch
I copied the info file from stark with cp ~/foo/drupal/core/themes/stark/
I edited that file, changing the name and the stylesheets, so that it looked like:
name: My<br>type: theme<br>description: 'This theme demonstrates My Drupal''s default HTML markup and CSS styles. To learn how to build your own theme and override Drupal''s default code, see the <a href="">Theming Guide</a>.'<br>package: Core<br>version: VERSION<br>core: 8.x<br>stylesheets:<br> all:<br> - stylesheets/screen.css
To enable it I went to the admin screen for themes under appearance at admin/appearance and enabled my theme and set it as the default.
I inspected a menu to see what I might change, and then edited the sass/screen.scss
file, trying out some of the things I learned in the presentation like, variables, lighten(), and @include inline-block-list, to be:
/* Welcome to Compass.<br> * In this file you should write your main styles. (or centralize your imports)<br> * Import this file using the following HTML or equivalent:<br> * <link href="/stylesheets/screen.css" media="screen, projection" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> */<br><br>@import "compass";<br>@import "compass/reset";<br><br>$green : #008822;<br><br>nav[role="navigation"] {<br> background: lighten($green, 40%);<br> ul {<br> @include inline-block-list(2em);<br> }<br>}
When saving, I see in the other terminal window that is watching, that the files were recompiled.
Opening up the home page (so I am not seeing the admin theme) yields:
I'm not a themer, so even though it is not usable, I was pretty proud of this first little step with both compass and a Drupal 8 theme. :)