This month in Drupal Documentation
This is your long awaited update from the Documentation Working Group (DocWG) on what has been happening in Drupal Documentation in the last month or so.
Because this is posted in the Core group as well as Documentation, comments are disabled. If you have comments or suggestions, please see the DocWG home page for how to contact us.
Docs at Drupalcon Barcelona
Session on documentation
DrupalCon Barcelona, Spain, 21-25 September will host the session Let's talk about documentation.
DocWG meeting
The three members of the DocWG will meet in Barcelona and you are welcome to join the meeting if you are interested in Drupal documentation.
There will be a documentation sprint on Drupal 8 documentation and the D8 User Guide. Please sign up for the sprint!. DocWG members will be present at the sprint.
Drupal 8 User Guide
The Drupal 8 User Guide is progressing at a steady pace, although the level of involvement has dropped a little bit over the last month. The User Guide sprint in Barcelona will surely boost the activity. Helping with this is a great way to get started with documentation and to learn a bit about Drupal 8 while you're at it. The focus right now is on writing a first draft of each of the topics in the guide, and work is also underway to figure out a final home for the new guide in Join for announcements.
Future content improvements
The Documentation Working Group has been working together with the Drupal Association to identify the priorities for improving documentation tools on These are some of the future improvements we pointed out as important:
- The ability to become a maintainer of a documentation section on (including receiveing notifications).
- Break down the large book hierarchy in more manageable sections.
- Removing comments from below documentation page and place it in a tab.
- Linking documents with projects
For more information on the work being done on content strategy for check the video at
Documentation Updates
Over the last month some 700 documentation pages were edited. These were the top contributors:
- Francewhoa (54 revisions)
- lolandese (36 revisions)
- latikas (28 revisions)
- thomas_rz (27 revisions)
- tvn (25 revisions)
Many thanks to everyone that helps improving the community docs on
Documentation Priorities
The Current documentation priorities page is always a good place to look to figure out what to work on, and has been updated recently. If you're new to contributing to documentation, these projects may seem a bit overwhelming -- so why not try out a New contributor task to get started?