Let's Get Views In Core
Let's Get Views In Core
Code Enigma are sponsoring a Views In Core sprint in Paris, France, from 26th - 28th August 2012.
15th August 2012By greg
Following on from Earl Miles’ request that people help fund the Views In Core initiative for Drupal 8, Code Enigma is proud to announce a Views In Core sprint, in Paris, straight after DrupalCon Munich. We have decided to sponsor this piece of work, something we believe is going to be a huge positive for Drupal 8, and pay for a venue, accommodation and some travel for the Views In Core team to meet in Paris, 26th-28th August, and push the project along. This is over and above any funding Earl is raising himself for the effort.
The event will take place in the historic Le Marais district of Paris, central, close to the river, Notre Dame and various other sites, so if you fancy a few days in Paris you’ll be well placed for some sight-seeing after. And if you’re in Paris anyway, well, it’s easy to get there and we’d love to see you.
The sprint will be led and managed by Earl and a decent team of Views and Core developers are able to attend. There will also be three or four developers from Code Enigma helping out. Obviously, space and capacity to manage are limited, but if you would like to attend and do some sprinting with Earl and the team then there are still places. Please do contact us and we’ll put you in touch with Earl.
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