Know your value as a web consultant
When you go to the salon what are you buying? Shorter hair? A different color, look? Why? What is it that you are really getting when you get your haircut? Conformity? You won't stand out at the next meetup, or maybe it's the opposite, you want to stand out more?
What you are buying is not a haircut, you are buying a statement about who you are. How well your stylist understands you and knows how to make your hair 'behave' is essential to how you feel when you walk out the door. Websites are no different. From the design to the UI, websites are statements about our clients to their users.
You may not think about what your hair will say every time you go to see your stylist, but your stylist should be. They know what their work has done for other clients, and you should know what your work can do for your clients too.
There is no more important thing you can do for your life and your business than to know your own value. But how do you measure the subjective? Here are some simple ways to breakdown what you are worth to your clients.