DrupalJobs responsively relaunches on Recruiter RC1 and Omega 4
Just ready for DrupalCon Munich here at epiqo we are excited to announce the relaunch of DrupalJobs. Our demonstration website for the Recruiter distribution is now driven by the brand new Omega 4 base theme!
Drupal Jobs Logo
Omega 4 freshness
As we were planning to create a new base theme for Recruiter and our related service jopiqo, we sponsored Sebastian Siemssen to kickstart Omega 4 development. From May till last week, we have been working together intensively on crafting a slick, responsive base theme that leverages up to date technologies backed by Omega's magic. Omega 4 is still in the early stages but we are expecting it to stabilize soon. Here are some buzz words to get you going:
- SASS/Compass mixins
- Mobile-first
- Fluid, semantic, responsive grid via Susy
- Alternative layouts with custom javascript and css
- Performance-optimized
Go and check out our demonstration site at http://drupaljobs.epiqo.com to see how it all works. We are especially proud of using semantic css classes only and providing sensible defaults for field and form styles. Also check out the slick menu and sidebar implementation for small device widths!
So when is this all available?
Right now - the first omega 7.x-4.0-alpha1 is already available to test. The included epiqo layout extension provides the foundations for DrupalJobs and all our future theme implementations for the Recruiter distribution.
Also note that last week we pushed the first release candidate of Recruiter which we consider to be feature stable. Development started even before Drupal 7 was released with a first beta being relased already in March 2011. Thus, we believe to have provided a stable and up-to-date foundation for future developments in the e-recruitment area based on contributed modules like Profile2, Entity, Search API, Rules, Field collection, Term level field, Autocomplete deluxe amongst many others.
Thanks to Nico Grienauer for the design, Sebastian Siemssen for theme development, Dominik Kiss for theming and the rest of the epiqo team.See you at DrupalCon!
Drupal Jobs desktop screenshotDrupal Jobs mobile screenshot