Drupal 8 #dreammarkup
Now once TWIG was commited to core, I‘d like to talk a bit about the unofficial dreammarkup initiative. It‘s about getting the core templates clean and down to their needs, reducing the markup and class overad to semanticly right and usable markup to start with. If you are interested in getting involved, you can check out http://drupal.org/node/1980004 or search in the issue queue for the dreammarkup tag.
So what is this dreammarkup thinggy anyhow? Currently Drupal provides a ton of markup and classes, to get started pretty fast without the need to change anything. So as a developer you would think, this might be what the themers like to have, because it‘s so generic that you have the possebility to get pretty much every design working. Actually the point of a themer is exactly the other way around. As a themer you like to have clean and semanticly right markup. With drupa lthis is a pain in the ass, because you need to ovverride pretty much every single theme function and template to achive a goal like that. Drupal 7 isn‘t even supporting HTML5 properly.
This is what dreammakrup is about: Getting the templates clean for core and move alle the special stuff (wich is basically only needed for bartik), to bartik.
Great! If you‘re courius about it, checkout the meta issue about creating dream markup and have a look at mortendk‘s session about it http://www.youtube.com/embed/2LwMn9oHOx8