Boston DrupalCon is over, Stay Involved!
DrupalCon just finished wrapping up and it has been an amazing week. Over 900 people attended over 50 sessions and over 30 Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions. In the rooms and halls you could see knowledge virally spreading throughout the attendees as well as connections being made. DrupalCon may be over but don't let the knowledge sharing stop. Attend, Host, Create a local event to get this momentum going!
Here are a few great events coming up!
Sydney, Australia May 18th-22nd, 2008Drupal Asia/Pacific Conference. The first major Drupal conference in Australia teamed up with CeBit.
Austin, Texas March 8th, 2008BarCamp with Much Drupal love
Orlando, Florida April 5th-6th, 2008Barcamp with much Drupal love
Paris, France April 19thDrupalCamp2!
Eindhoven, The Netherlands, May 24th - May 25th, 2008international 'Learn Open Source' training/meeting
Check out more events on
Don't see your event? It wasn't posted on, please post your events so everyone can find out about them!
Want a DrupalCon in your town? Get involved and submit your proposal. This is your community and it doesn't happen without you.