On becoming a Drupal 8 co-maintainer
I'm honoured to accept Dries Buytaert’s invitation to become a Drupal 8 co-maintainer.
When I was contacted by Dries asking to have a chat about Drupal 8 I never dreamed that he would ask me to become a co-maintainer. I was ready for a conversation focusing on issues blocking progress in the Drupal 8 Configuration Management Initiative (CMI) such as how are we going to deal with dependencies, disabled modules and the config import process. I was prepared to talk about how the Drupal 8 performance concerns he aired at DrupalCon Munich are close to my heart, and about my plans to try and to make regular performance testing of Drupal 8 easier. Instead, Dries has offered me the opportunity to make a real difference on a much bigger scale by unblocking the work of others.
As luck would have it, I've recently resigned from Capgemini, so I have plenty of time to both continue to work on CMI, and take this amazing opportunity to work with and for the community to deliver a rocking Drupal 8!