120 DrupalCon Latin America with Carlos Ospina - Modules Unraveled Podcast
Published: Wed, 10/01/14Download this episodeDrupalCon Latin America
- What’s your role with regards to this DrupalCon?
- What is a DrupalCon? (I’d like to start out by getting a brief overview of what DrupalCon is for anyone that might be listening who hasn’t been to one. Maybe explain that there are sessions, BOFs, Day stage, vendors, pre-conference trainings, post-conference sprints etc.)
- Where is the DrupalCon going to be?
- Why Bogotá?
- Central place, cosmopolitan city. Easy access for most Countries and a technology hub for the region.
- When is it?
- 10-12 February 2015
- With sprints before and after
- What will be the spoken languages? What percentage of talks will be each language?
- The languages in Drupalcon Latin America will be English, Spanish and portuguese.
- Do we know who any of the keynote speakers will be, and what will they talk about?
- Dries And Larry Garfield
- What track will be represented?
- What events are happening, and where can people find out more about them?
- We haven’t started planning these events, Something interesting happening on the weekend right after DrupalCon is the Barranquilla Carnival.
- Trivia night (We hope)
- What does the tech community look like there?
The tech community is big in Colombia, the central government has a full ministry dedicated to promote and work with technology in several areas. Bogota is a technological Hub in Latin America and a place where companies like google, facebook and PayU Latam set their main offices for Latin America and the Caribbean. - What does the Drupal community look like?
When we talk about the community we cannot talk about just Bogota or Colombia, this is Latin America opening their doors to everyone. The Latin American community is very active, matter of fact in the next 2 months we are having three big camps: Central America, Ecuador and Bolivia. Is a community that beside the local meetings does Summits from all latin America, being the last one Drupal Picchu in January this year. we also have Important camps in Mexico and other countries as mentioned before. - What’s the Drupal adoption look like in Bogotá?
The local government in Bogota is moving or has moved all their webpages to Drupal. Several newspapers, including the biggest one, and the biggest Video on Demand service in Colombia are Drupal as well as many Universities, among others. - Who’s going to be the “boots on the ground” in Bogotá playing “host”?
- Seed (http://www.seed.com.co/en) Is the company helping us locally in Bogota.
- Where is the best place to eat?
- Zona T, just by the venue is the zone with several fancy restaurants. Usaquen is another zone, 93th street park and the “pink Zone” which is party and bars hub in Bogota just blocks from the venue also.
- Where is the best place to drink?
- Coffee - Juan Valdez (better than Starbucks)
- Beer - Bogota Beer Company. But Don;t forget Aguardiente.
- What should anyone who’s not been before, make sure to do?
- Go to the Carnival
- Explore the city
- Go to Zona G (http://www.bogotatravelguide.com/places-to-go-in-bogota/zona-g.php)
- Go to the Salt Cathedral of Zipaquira.
- Visit PANACA and the coffee zone (http://www.bogotatravelguide.com/tour-del-cafe-bogota.php)
- There is too much to see and love about Colombia! http://www.bogotatravelguide.com/index_en.html
Episode Links: Carlos on drupal.orgCarlos on TwitterCarlos on LinkedInCamoaG+ Drupal communityDrupalCon Latin America Facebook GroupTags: DrupalCon@drupalconlatinoplanet-drupal
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