12 Days of Drupal Community: Donna Benjamin
The Drupal community is full of people who make the world a brighter place. This month we are sharing more about the community members participating in our membership drive in this blog series. We work together, we motivate each other, and we learn together. Thank you to our community for inspiring us every day.
Donna Benjamin (kattekrab)
About Donna
Donna is passionate about community and fulfills this by serving on the board of the Drupal Association and by chairing the Community Working Group. She has a love of Inkscape, Little Ms. Drupal, and has been a mentor, advocate and all around genuine do'er of amazing when it comes to our community. Donna is known for her advice, opinions and empathetic listening skills in making great things in our community happen.
What Donna says about membership
The Drupal Association's work is fundamental to supporting the project at the heart of our community. But I suspect there are thousands of people using Drupal every day who have absolutely no idea we exist, or what work we do. But many of them notice instantly the moment that Drupal.org falters. Supporting the team that supports our community is what matters most to me.
Drupal has made a big difference in my life. Drupal has helped me keep my own lights on, by providing an amazing platform to serve the needs of our clients. Years ago we had our own homemade content management system. It grew out of components we built for one client or another, solving the same problems time and time again. But it became unmanageable. We couldn't keep up with the maintenance requirements of the system and also continue to serve our clients. So we started evaluating the open source PHP content management systems available at the time. Drupal answered that call. We also discovered the community—and the rest, as they say, is history.
If you are not yet a member, join the Drupal Association and be part of our success together.
Personal blog tags: Membershipcommunitymembership 2015 series