Janez Urevc

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Articles from Janez Urevc

Drupal's number 1 is from Switzerland
Tue, 24.05.2016 - 15:49

Drupal community, please meet Vijay
Tue, 24.05.2016 - 10:40

Media entity reaches 8.x-1.0!
Mon, 02.05.2016 - 10:00

Goodbye Examiner, hello MD Systems
Mon, 25.04.2016 - 11:45

Image effects module for Drupal 8

Entity browser got configuration UI

Time to submit Summer of code proposals!

A lot of exciting Drupal 8 media news!

Media made a big leap towards a first major milestone. It's time to test what we have and help stabilise it.

janezurevc.name runs on Drupal 8!

Almost exactly two months ago MD Systems announced the Media initiative program that
