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Articles from Ikonami

Though DPSX has been a tad bit quite since July we did kick up a mini-storm in Prague at DrupalCon last month! The BoF was a hit with relevant attendees from Belgium, Britain, Finland, France, Netherlands and Slovakia represented on the table.

Our second event adopted an alternative format not by design but its usefulness has us thinking it may well be the way to go!Speaker at the seond DPSX event:Mar

Kick off for Drupal Camp Pakistan in Lahore was a strange affair! unfamiliarity with the local culture of the metropolis meant we went through a steep learning curve in the morning!

DPSX got off to a rocking start on the 14th of March, though the first hour was more of a rocky start given the chaos on the Central and Victoria lines that evening!

Most initiatives from the private sector that bring the two sectors sectors together tend to justify their being with a beat down of the public sector, the individuals and teams that prop up and manage an under-invested at occasions misinvested in

Getting our Drupal ON for DrupalCamp Pakistan – going to Lahore!

The first sponsor for DrupalCamp PK was engaged and secured in Finland at DrupalCamp Helsinki!

Hope y’all had an awesome Christmas and are gearing up for a farewell to 2012… back to our speaker feedback series…

Stefan van Hooft is an awesome site builder who took the audience through a pure build demonstrating how different location based contrib modules can be used to build a GPS coordinate aware photo mapping site with Drupal… and Stefan braved a live

Though I did at some point promise not to milk the first Drupal Camp in Pakistan as much as I appear to be… but naah! its gotta’be done!