Janez Urevc

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Articles from Janez Urevc

Disclaimer: This post ended up being quite long and I apologize for that. Media is a complex problem and there is a lot to be said.

On Friday, 2nd Oct 2015, we organized the first virtual media sprint. Four sprinters showed up and worked on D8 media issues.

First a bit of background

It's been a while since my last post and with DrupalCon Amsterdam behind us it seems a good timing for another update.

Media team is very active. Purpose of this post is to provide the progress update to the rest of the community that might not be aware of everything that is going on in this field. I am planning to publish this posts on a regular basis.

If you want to try the module and/or contribute please visit the project page.

For more info about the project and it's progress see the post on groups.drupal.org.

Chandan is one of the Drupal's students that were accepted into Google S

Jayesh is one of the Drupal's students that were accepted into Google Su

DrupalCamp Alpe-Adria will be one of the most scenic Drupal events this spring in Europe.

If you came this far you probably liked this video just as much as I did :). You should really consider coming to Portorož in May to attend DC Alpe-Adria.
