Kris Buytaert

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Articles from Kris Buytaert

This is a repost of an article I wrote for the Acquia Blog some time ago.

This is a repost of an article I wrote for the Acquia Blog some time ago.

People often ask, why does DevOps matter?

This is a repost of an article I wrote for the Acquia Blog some time ago.

DevOps, DevOps, DevOps … the whole world is talking about DevOps, but what is DevOps?

My last post has been a while ... in that I announced that there would be another event right before FOSDEM ... I totally forgot to announce it here but I`m sure that most of you already know. Yes.

While heading back home from DrupalCon Munich after 4 days of good interaction with lots of Drupal folks.

With 2 of the bigger Open Source projects I care about talking about certifications programs questions pop up again ...

Should we certify ourselves ?

3+ months is probably the biggest timeout I've taken from blogging in a while..
Not that I didn't have anything to write ..but more that I was prioritizing writing different content over
over writing blogposts.

Devopsdays Mountainview sold out in a short 3 hours .. but there's other events that will breath devops this summer.
DrupalCon in Munich will be one of them ..

I've just finished presenting the results of our Drupal and Devops survey at the Belgian Drupal User Group meetup at ou

I`m parsing the responses of the Deploying Drupal survey I started a couple of months ago (more on that later)
