Wim Leers

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Articles from Wim Leers

Mateu, Gabe and I just released the first RC of JSON API 2, so time for an update!

Drupal 8’s REST API reached a next level of maturity in 8.5. In 8.6, we matured it further, added features and closed some gaps.

Quite a few people in the Drupal community are looking forward to see the JSON API module ship with Drupal 8 core.


Two weeks ago, I stumbled upon a two-part blog post by Alex Russell, titled Effective Standards Work.

Two big “maintainability” milestones have been hit in the past few days:

1. rest.module now is in a maintainable state

As part of working in Acquia’s Office of the CTO, I’ve been working on the API-First Initiative for the past year and a half! Where are we at? Find out :)


As part of working in Acquia’s Office of the CTO, I’ve been working on the API-First Initiative for the past year and a half! Where are we at? Find out :)


This blog post summarizes the 572 comments spanning 5 years and 2 months to get REST file upload support in #1927648 committed.

This blog post summarizes the 572 comments spanning 5 years and 2 months to get REST file upload support in #1927648 committed.
