I’ve been working on a Drupal 7 to 8 migration of content and I encountered in the source body fields a bunch of tables which had a class that styled them in a certain way.
If you’ve been wondering where I’ve been and why I haven’t been writing any articles lately, I am here to put your mind at ease: i’ve been working heavily on my first book about Drupal, called
Drupal 8 has become much more flexible for doing pretty much everything. In this article I want to talk a bit about menu links and show you how powerful the new system is compared to Drupal 7.
One of the great things about the taxonomy terms in Drupal has always been their hierarchical readiness. That is, how they can easily be organised in a parent-child relationship via a simple drag-and-drop interface.
Have you ever needed to persist some irregular data relating with a user account? Things like user preferences or settings that are kinda configuration but not really?