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In a previous article I showed you how to use the usort() and uasort() PHP functions to sort some more complex data using a compara
So you are taking the plunge into learning Drupal 8 for the purpose of developing sites, modules, themes, etc.
In the previous article we've seen how we can interact programatically with Views in Drupal 8 in order to create a custom field in our Views results.
In this article I am going to show you how to create a custom Views field in Drupal 8.
If you do a lot of Drupal development and need to deploy configuration I am sure that you are using update hooks to some extent at least.
Have you ever needed to remove in bulk a bunch of voting results for, let's say, a given content type?
Have you ever had to sort an array in PHP? There are a bunch of functions available, the most common being sort().
With the move from a mostly procedural to a mostly OOP based architecture in Drupal 8, many Drupal developers have been introduced to new concepts we don't fully understand.
Developing Drupal sites can be quite a challenge and adventure. And this comes from those who call themselves Drupal developers.
This is a guest post from Kate Marshalkina, a Russian Drupal developer who works for Licel LLC.