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Articles from Zengenuity

Some of the most interesting new modules and themes I saw posted to drupal.org in October:

Views Manager [sandbox]

Some of the most interesting new modules I saw posted to drupal.org in September:

Attention Michigan Drupalers! Mark your calendars for DrupalCamp Michigan, Saturday January 31 at Henry Ford College in Dearborn.

If you've ever written a lot of custom code for a Drupal site, then you know it can be a tedious and error-prone experience.

Michigan Drupalers! Let’s get together for DrupalCamp Michigan, Saturday October 12 in Ann Arbor.

Recently, Zengenuity released the LA2M to Go iPhone app, a companion to the

At last night's Ann Arbor Drupal Meetup, a question was raised about how to write an import script to create

Having recently rebuilt the Zengenuity website, it just was this week that I finally got around to setting it up on our SEOmoz account. After the initial site crawl, I was surprised to discover this:

Having duplicate content is a major problem for search engine optimization (