Web Wash

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Articles from Web Wash

Drupal Starshot is a new packaged and pre-configured version of Drupal that was announced at DrupalCon Portland. It is not a separate fork or rewrite of Drupal.

Webform is a Drupal module that allows you to create forms directly in Drupal without using a 3rd party service.

The Gutenberg Editor is a powerful page building tool for Drupal that utilizes a block building system to create and edit content.

This comprehensive guide walks you through each step of setting up and using the Gutenberg Editor.

Radix is a Bootstrap base theme for Drupal that provides a solid foundation for building your website.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up-to-date. The Views module is great for creating pages in Drupal and is beneficial when creating custom admin pages.

If you create an entity reference or list field, you will notice the “Check boxes/radio buttons” widget on the “Manage form display” page. How do you switch between checkboxes or radio buttons?

When you create a list using Views there’s a good chance you’ll add a filter to it. You could filter the list by content type, published status (if it’s published or unpublished), by author and more.

Views is a powerful module that allows you to create all sorts of components.

SiteGround is a popular hosting provider for Drupal, WordPress or any PHP powered website.

They offer a wide variety of hosting packages, from shared, managed, and cloud hosting.
