I got a desperate call about a site being down, this is ordinary for me (advertisment: you can contact me if it happens to you). But the error I saw was new to me.
As the Simpletest sprint in Paris was exactly six years ago I feel it's a good time to remind the community how and why Simpletest was chosen especially in the light of the Simpletest hate lately.
At DrupalDevDays Szeged, skipyT, fgm and myself made tremendous progress with writing the MongoDB drivers. All the override mechanisms work as expected and things in general, work.
So I am writing a PHPUnit mock object, added ensure calls and I wanted to also ensure that no more method calls happens than the ones I ensured. This is done by the following snippet (the actual code does more with the expects call of course):
Drupal 8 Alpha 6 is out and it has a migrate module in there! It even has a few complete migrations: variables to the configuration files owned by system module.