James Walker

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Articles from James Walker

I'm back home from a truly spectacular DrupalCon DC and have been reflecting this morning on some of the feedback from my talk:

I'm back home from a truly spectacular DrupalCon DC and have been reflecting this morning on some of the feedback from my talk:

I'm back home from a truly spectacular DrupalCon DC and have been reflecting this morning on some of the feedback from my talk:

I’m back home from a truly spectacular DrupalCon DC and have been reflecting this morning on some of the feedback from my talk:

In just a few days, most of the drupal community will be headed to Washington, DC for DrupalCon.

In just a few days, most of the drupal community will be headed to Washington, DC for DrupalCon.

In just a few days, most of the drupal community will be headed to Washington, DC for DrupalCon.

In just a few days, most of the drupal community will be headed to Washington, DC for DrupalCon.

A few weeks ago, I very quietly made a (personally) significant move in my Drupal life.

A few weeks ago, I very quietly made a (personally) significant move in my Drupal life.
