
CKEditor 5 has a plugin called Special Characters that Drupal’s CKEditor 5 module makes available to use.

ChatGPT Experiments: "Act as Drush, shall we play a game?"

Like everyone else, I've been experimenting with ChatGPT. In this conversation, ChatGPT does a surprisingly good job of role playing as Drush.

Ensure your Drupal websites run smoothly. Gander documentation walks you through setting up and using the performance testing framework.

Leveraging Content Management for a Smoother Sales Journey
Devin Partida
Thu, 03/14/2024 - 14:55

Randy Fay, the maintainer of DDEV discusses the key features and functionalities of DDEV, a Docker-based development environment that streamlines setting up and managing local development for applications (no Docker knowledge is required).

I was recently reminded of a Drupal core feature that I hadn't used in a long time - and was pleasantly surprised at how useful it is.

Fixing nginx Error: Undefined constant PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY

I install a lot of Drupal sites day to day, especially when I'm doing dev work.

With Drupal now heavily used in the enterprise market by very large organisations, much of its direct competition is from well-funded proprietary products.
