
Last week, I attended DrupalCon Portland 2024, and, like many others, I was swept up in the excitement of the Starshot announcement.

Drupal API Development Simplified with APITools Module

Drupal Starshot is a new packaged and pre-configured version of Drupal that was announced at DrupalCon Portland. It is not a separate fork or rewrite of Drupal.

Run CI/CD with preview environments anywhere with self-hosted Git runners.


Mon, 05/13/2024 - 17:19

GitHub Actions and BitBucket Pipelines are amazing. You can control what is run using yaml files in your codebase. 

Drupal 11 deep dive: watch the recording, present your own (free slides!)

15 reasons I am excited about Drupal's new Starshot initiative

Takeaway: Building and adding an AI chatbot on a county website requires careful planning, development, deployment, and maintenance.

As pointed out in the first article, the Migrate API scope is to move over content and configuration.

In this post, we explore building a cards section with Layout Builder.


/ 9 May 2024
