Tundra: A Free Framework Theme for Drupal 6 & 7, by SooperThemes
Another Framework Theme?
Yes, there's already loads of them around, but Tundra is very different from all of them and it offers unique features and a different approach to code organization. The theme itself resembles a theme framework as it has a built-in feature management and css-writing system.
Part of the Tundra development process was also creating a new jQuery dropdown-menu plugin from scratch. The included jQuery SooperFish plugin enriches Drupal with multi-column animiated menus that are fully configurable in the theme settings form.
Why does it matter?
Tundra is the first theme that offers advanced jQuery features with the ease of a point-and-click interface. All configuration is pulled into the theme settings form to form an interactive theme configurator. Some of the features are:
- Sooper Easing: This exposes advanced animation easing to all other features
- Sooper LivePreview: Makes changes to theme settings form for most features visible immediately, to ease the configuration process. See configurator demo.
- SooperFlex Grid System: Full grid control in both flexible and fixed width layouts without breaking in internet explorer 6. Skinr module is used to expose float (left/right) control and width control. Supports rational proportions and irrational proportions based on golden ratio (phi).
- Sooper DropdownKit: For usage and configuration of the jQuery SooperFish plugin.
- Sooper SlideshowKit: A jQuery cycle based solutiuon for creating configurable slideshows.
- : A jQuery nivo based solutiuon for creating configurable image or photo slideshows.
- Sooper LayoutKit: A theme-settings based system to configure fixed or fluid theme width, sidebar widths and mi-/max width.
- Sooper FontKit: A cufon based solution for using custom fonts and special effects (gradients/shadows) in your theme. 25+ fonts included in feature.
- Sooper BackgroundImageKit: A solution for settings a background image in the theme settings. Easy to extend with your own images.
- Sooper Linkicons: Automatically adds mime type and email icons to links. Includes 2 free icons sets.
Tundra is the theme that powers all of the premium drupal themes on SooperThemes.com. We made all the premium features GPL, and Tundra is our way of giving back to the community: it's a vessel with all of the code that was developed over the years.
Download Tundra on the Drupal.org project page
Here is some additional info, it's a screenshot of the product page on sooperthemes.com
Tags: planetfree drupal themesooperfishsooperthemesGPL themedrupal planetfree themetundraframework themejquery cycletheme settings