Fabianx and stefan.r are now Drupal 7 co-maintainers
Earlier this year, I announced that I was seeking additional Drupal 7 co-maintainers in order to help bolster the efforts of the indefatigable David Rothstein. Thank you very much to everyone who responded to the call; there were certainly some very eager and qualified applications!
I have selected Fabian Franz (Fabianx) and Stefan Ruijsenaars (stefan.r), which are also two of the names put forward by David himself. I recently asked them to apply to become Drupal 7 co-maintainers, and I am pleased to announce they both gave an enthusiastic yes!
Fabian will be a Drupal 7 Framework Manager, and Stefan will be a Drupal 7 Release Manager and Drupal 7 Product Manager. David will continue his role as a Framework Manager, Release Manager and Product Manager for Drupal 7.
Fabian is from Germany, and is a Senior Performance Engineer and Technical Lead at Tag1 Consulting. He is always up to a challenge, and has been a part of the Drupal community for over 6 years. He was already a subsystem maintainer for the Drupal core theme system, and he has done innovative work in terms of Scalability and High Performance for Drupal (BigPipe!). He is in general passionate about everything Open Source since GNU was born, which as it happens, is the same day as his birthday.
Stefan hails from the Netherlands, and is a freelancer currently working with Belgian government clients. He has been part of the Drupal community since his first Drupalcon in Szeged in 2008, and recently became a member of the Drupal Security Team.
Both Fabian and Stefan have ample experience contributing both to numerous contributed modules, and to Drupal core, being especially instrumental to squashing the last critical bugs prior to the Drupal 8 release.
Please join me in welcoming Fabian and Stefan to the Drupal 7 core committer team! (And if you happen to be at Drupal Developer Days Milan, you can high-five Stefan in person! :-))