DrupalCon Denver Ticket Contest: What's Your Best Use of the Definitive Guide to Drupal 7 so far?
Thanks to Tony Groff, Agaric has a ticket to DrupalCon Denver to give away to a reader of the Definitive Guide to Drupal 7 who sends in a story (or picture!) of a favorite use of the 1,110 page book— today!
Did Jacine Luisi's tour de force break a barrier to Drupal 7 theming for you? Did Károly Négyesi's 4-page "Developing from a Human Mindset" chapter change the way you do Drupal? Did you win a bet because your favorite module was mentioned? Did the book save your life by absorbing the impact of a small meteorite when you took it to the beach for some light reading? Let us know!
In other DGD7 news, Greg Anderson has posted Drush 5 updates to his fantastic Drush chapter. Check it out, and don't forget to sign up for updates like this and new tips and material (low-volume newsletter; fewer than once a month).
Even if you are already going to, or cannot make, the March 20-22 DrupalCon Denver party with more than 3,000 of some of your closest friends already signed up, including many Definitive Drupal authors, we'd love to hear about your successes – or frustrations – with the best-selling, best-value book on Drupal 7.
We can't help out with travel or lodging, but we hope getting the con itself covered can prompt you, on this leap day, to take a fortuitous leap and see if DGD7 can't be a step up further into Drupal in yet another way. Thanks for reading!