Drupal Case Study Project: Promotional Documentation Development
I'd like to announce a multi case study project taking place in my Business Writing class here at Purdue, which aims to develop a formal promotional report for Drupal. This project is part of the OSDDP project at Purdue (see Charlie's post at http://drupal.org/node/11553 ).
This project will produce a detailed profile / case study document about each of the six profile types of Drupal websites (at http://drupal.org/cases ) and to produce a formal report, including recommendations of the use of Drupal to potential clients.
I will ask each student group to post their own issues in the Drupal website and to conduct online survey concerning the use of Drupal for each profile type to collect materials for their analysis of possible ways to adapt Drupal for different contexts and purposes. We welcome any input and suggestions from the Drupal community!
Here is the deliverables and purposes of the project:
An informal project proposal
· Identify the profile type, the type of potential users, and the range of possibilities they can make use of Drupal as their websites.
· Conduct detailed case study of the existing sites to explore possible / creative
· Find ways to adapt Drupal to serve different business / individual purposes
· Why do you think the use of Drupal is feasible for your type of clients?
· Create an issue for your case study profile on Drupal (including writing up and describing what you are doing) and keep the feedback for each case study separate.
A formal interview/survey questionnaire posted on the Drupal: offer them for
community review and feedback on drupal.org in the issues that you create.
A formal report
· Give a general overview of the sites in terms of how they fit the profile, and background information on it
· interview some site reviewers and members about their site and how Drupal works for them,
· Explain what Drupal features/modules/main communication elements the site is making use of.
· Explain why Drupal can be useful to specific categories of clients in general
· Then later, post revised drafts on Drupal for feedback
UPDATE 11/1: Student groups have posted their surveys for their respective profile types of websites in Drupal news and announcements section. The average time for finishing the survey is about ten minutes. We appreciate any input and feedback from the Drupal community. You can find the posts at the following urls: