Denver Drupal User Group Meeting - March 20 2006
After inspiration by other events and some discussion over email after the last forum announcement we now have 5+ people planning to get together.
When: March 20th 2006, starting at 2:00PM (MST) (916 in swatch time)Where: Paris on the Platte (gmap)
1. General introductions and "how I use Drupal"
2. Demos - event+, mailing list related tools
3. anything else? and "close"
4. Bug squashing - for those interested
The first three parts we expect everyone to stick around which is why we have a fixed start time. Step 3 includes a "close" where people can leave if they want. Beyond that, we will be doing some bug fixing (squashing!) to try and help improve 4.7, perhaps do some work on improving Events since Chad and I are both interested in it.
We will likely have more events in the future based upon the success of this event. If you can't make this one, just wait a month or two. If you have any questions or want to let me know that you are coming feel free to post here or contact me.