Creating a question and answer website in Drupal - Part 1 (using the answers module)
We will be starting a new series on how we can build a question and answer website similar to any of the stack exchange website using the drupal CMS. The question and answer website will have features such as users being able to vote on questions and answers. User who created a particular question deciding which answer is the best answer, users will also be able to add code snippets in there answer which are properly formatted. Users get points for there answers been voted up or down.
In the first part of this series, we will be using the answers module as the foundation for starting our site. Upon installing the answers module, two content types are created. The question content type used for posting questions and the answer content type used in answering questions. This module also comes with default views pages already created for us such as all questions view page, unaswered questions, search for questions.The view also show how many answers have been provided per question.
In this tutorial we simulated the question and answer website using two users. One user asks a question and the other answers the question. Users are also able to view profiles of users on the website to view how many questions they have asked, answered, and how many points they have.
We also looked at setting the right permission levels for different users of our question and answer website.