2006 Summer of Code Projects (14)
The Drupal community would like to congratulate 14 exceptional students who have been selected to write code with the financial support of Google. Each of these students have demonstrated a high level of ability, enthusiasm and understanding for the tasks they have chosen to work on. As they begin their work they will be assisted by a team of 36 experienced mentors. With the outstanding quality of the applications, and the large team of mentors who are available to assist, I can't help but think that 2006 will be the most exciting summer that Drupal has ever had!
Views Scheduler
Earl Miles, John VanDyk
Aron Novak
Social Networking Analysis (SNA) Tool
Károly Négyesi, Thomas Narres
Avi Mehta
AJAX Form Creator
Nedjo Rogers, Jeff Robbins
Daniel Gutekunst
The ultimate LaTeX module
Nicholas James Ivy, David Kent Norman
Ernest Delgado
Collaborative Editor
Vladimir Zlatanov, Matt Westgate
Jeremy Epstein
Import / export API module
Adriaan Rossouw, Sami Khan
Konstantin Käfer
Administration usability improvements (pdf)
Nick Lewis, Ruben D. Canlas Jr.
Lê Xuân Hùng
Multi-site administration through rich XUL client
Sugree Phatanapherom, Alan Evans
Phani K Arava
ImageMagick Integration
Stefan Nagtegaal, Heine Deelstra
Robert H Wohleb
Bill Fitzgerald, Marc Poris
Rok Žlender
Unit test automation
Thomas Ilsche, Karoly Negyesi, Kieran Lal
Scott Reynolds
Content Recommendation Engine
Theodore Serbinski, Jeff Eaton
Sumit Datta
GData module
Mark Janssen, Fabiano Parolin Sant'Ana
Wolfgang Ziegler
Node Profile Module and CCK
Owen Barton, Khalid Baheyeldin
In addition to the assigned mentors listed above, Angela Byron and myself (Robert Douglass) will be on constant standby to assist students in any general or specific way that we can. Furthermore, the following community members have also expressed interest in helping out as mentors and should be considered a valuable resource for students seeking help:
Aaron Pava, Allie Micka, Amazon, arnabdotorg, Boris Mann, cryptonomikon, drewish, escape164, fax8, Flanker, geilhufe, gordon, GregoryHeller, grugnog, marcp, peterx, praseodym, puregin, sofiya, steve dondley, zacker