DrupalEasy Podcast 237 - Donata Stroink-Skillrud (Termageddon)
Donata Stroink-Skillrud, president of Termageddon LLC, licensed attorney, certified information privacy professional, and vice-chair of the American Bar Association ePrivacy Committee joins Mike Anello to talk about privacy (and other web site) policies (it's much more interesting than you think!) and why it is so important for modern web sites to have one.
URLs mentioned
- Termageddon LLC
- Are you an agency? Join Termageddon's Partner Program and receive a two free accounts - one for you and one for a client!
- International Association of Privacy Professionals
- American Bar Association
DrupalEasy News
- Drupal Career Online - next semester begins March 1. Free information webinars on January 13, February 10, and February 24.
- Professional local development with DDEV - 2-hour, hands-on, online workshop held monthly (Tuesday, January 12).
- Local Web Development with DDEV Explained.
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Note: the Termageddon links above are affiliate referral links.