Drupal 8 is Great for Showing Solutions Quickly
Drupal 8 is Great for Showing Solutions Quickly
Mon, 10/09/2017 - 11:45
Luke Wertz
Oct 9, 2017
The #D8isGr8 blog series will focus on why we love Drupal 8 and how it provides solutions for our clients. This post in the series comes from Luke Wertz, Solution Architect.
We want to make your project a success.
We often work on projects with clients who are juggling strict timelines and multiple stakeholders. From the time a vendor is selected, to contract signing and project kick-off meetings, it can sometimes be a whole month before our production team is able to really dig into a new project.
The thing I love about Drupal 8 is that it gives us the ability to skip parts of the prototyping phase and get into rapid proof of concept work very quickly. We can quickly demonstrate to our clients the problem space they’re working in and a potential solution. Drupal 8 allows us to get there quickly without writing a lot of code, which means our client product owners are able to show progress to their stakeholders sooner.
This proof of concept work is enabled by the functionality that is now baked into Drupal 8 core. In previous versions of Drupal, Views was a contrib module. A lot of how Views functions in Drupal 8 is the same as before, but that extra step of having to install, deploy, and configure it has been removed.
The ability to show value to a client early and quickly is reflective of Palantir’s move to Agile development. We are a data-driven company, and we like to use quantitative methods to prove our value to our clients. Drupal 8 helps us to iterate rapidly: have an idea, quickly show how it might work, test it, and prove it.
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