Will we see you at the Pacific Northwest Drupal Summit 2013 in Vancouver?
Will we see you at the Pacific Northwest Drupal Summit 2013 in Vancouver?
08/19/2013 - 14:43
planet drupal
Hi, we're Affinity Bridge. You might remember us from such PNWDS 2012 sessions as Mapping and GIS on the server side in Drupal, and Going further with D7 Organic Groups. Today we're here to tell you about the 2013 Pacific Northwest Drupal Summit, and why you, fellow Drupal professional, should be in Vancouver for it on October 5th and 6th of this year. As Cypress sponsors of the Summit, , and founding sponsors of the PNWDS, we're excited to tell you more about what's in store for the Summit.
Whether you'd like to take in some sessions, attend Birds of a Feather gatherings, attend or join a panel, or socialize after hours, are an expert Drupalist or are new to Drupal, then the Summit will have something for you.
Registration is now open, and session proposals from registered participants will be accepted until August 24th, so register now if you want to submit a session proposal.
Here are the sessions we're hoping to present this year:
- Behaviour Testing and Continuous Integration with Drupal
- Strategies and Tips for Building Enterprise Drupal Applications
- Git Branch-per-Feature
- Building Multilingual Websites in Drupal 7
Once you're registered you can vote on which sessions you'd like to see (wink wink, nudge nudge).
If you're still not convinced, learn more about the summit before you register, and submit your sessions before the 24th. Keep an eye out for us when you arrive; maybe we'll see you there!