Healthy sprinting at DrupalCon Amsterdam
Two months ago, I suggested alternatives to the usual food available at Drupal sprints. Instead of eating pastries and pizza, eating the right foods can help you sprint harder and longer as well as guard against Drupal flu.
WunderKraut helped me kick off the Healthy Sprinting initiative by kindly sponsoring the sprint snacks at Drupalaton. It felt great to be able to contribute to Drupal 8 in a new by helping core contributors stay sharp and healthy!
Fresh fruits waiting for you in the sprint room, thanks to @Wunderkraut!
— drupalaton (@drupalaton) August 7, 2014
@lewisnyman @drupalaton @Wunderkraut Thank you so much for organizing that; it's very, very much appreciated! :)
— Wim Leers (@wimleers) August 8, 2014
Bigger and better at DrupalCon Amsterdam
For DrupalCon Amsterdam, we're going to take all the feedback and lessons we learned at Drupalaton and put it to good use. WunderKraut are sponsoring the snacks again on the pre-and-post conference sprints (excluding Friday).
The pre-and-post sprints are taking place in Berlage workspace and we have more control over the food we are able to provide.
I'm aiming for more packaged snacks and store bought fruit, rather than the buffet style fruit salad and mixes supplied in Balaton.
If you have any suggestions or recommendations of nice snacks that you'd like to see, please let me know in the comments or on twitter.