Summer of Code projects - Drupal gets 11
Look forward to an announcement next week about our Google Summer of Code students who will be working with us. We're very fortunate that Google has generously sponsored eleven (11) SoC stipends. As you can imagine, this means a lot of coding will get done this summer!
Update: See PlanetSoC for the latest news and progress on Summer of Code projects.
List of winners and projects (with mentor listed):
Angela Byron and Robert Shedd (Robert Douglass)
Quiz module development
Márton Elek (Károly Négyesi)
Subscription module
Jan Blom (Károly Négyesi)
NetNews (NNTP) integration
Kuba Zygmunt and Thomas Ilsche (Moshe Weizman)
Automated test suites
Stephan Jaensch (James Walker)
Implement the REST API
Fabiano Parolin Sant'Ana (James Walker)
WebDAV interface to Drupal
Michael S. Bryant (Gerhard Killesreiter)
TODO module for managing tasks
Matthew Loar (Gerhard Killesreiter)
Implement Google SiteMap specification
Steven Wittens (Robert Douglass)
Ajax-based sorting of tables inside a page.
Ajax-based browsing of multiple pages of a list.
Ajax-based inline editing of posts.
Here is a list of the other orgs and how many they got. Notice that Drupal was relatively popular. We received 134 applications overall. Here's the breakdown of stipends among orgs (I tried to identify some of them from the abbreviated version):
38 asf (Apache Software Foundation)
24 kde
20 freebsd
19 psf (Python Software Foundation)
16 mono
15 gaim
14 ubuntu
13 fedoracore
13 google
12 gnome
12 gallery
12 codehaus
11 drupal
10 winlibre
10 plg (Perl?)
10 oo (Open Office)
10 nmap
10 mozdev (Mozilla foundation)
10 jabber
10 internet2
10 blender
9 lispnyc
8 tpl (?)
8 svn
8 netbsd
7 xwiki
7 psu
7 handhelds
6 wine
6 semedia
6 samba
6 mambo
4 oscar
4 lj (LiveJournal)
4 inkscape
4 horde
4 bricolage
4 asterisk
3 ohiolink
3 monotone
3 jxta
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