Bughunt competition
With the release of 4.7.0 beta1, I will be co-sponsoring a bug hunt competition to be concluded with the release of 4.7.0. The prize will be a combination of 150USD from the Google Summer of Code and an additonal 200USD donated by me.
I will count the opened, non-duplicate issues marked as "CVS" or "4.7..." in the Drupal project issue's tracker between now and 4.7.0 are released. First place will be 200USD, second will be 100USD, and third will be 50USD. In reality, anyone using Drupal will be the winner as the more bugs found and fixed before 4.7.0 means a stronger build for every user.
People listed in MAINTAINERS.txt
are not eligible (that includes me). The reason for this that I'd like to get more new contributors.
Please include PHP version in all your bug reports, for more see http://drupal.org/node/317.
In any debate, I decide.
Here are the Seven Tips of Dries to Find More Bugs:
- Use CVS HEAD; as we fix things, we might introduce new bugs. Spot them before other people can.
- Take advantage of the slightly disruptive changes in the recent MySQL and PHP versions: like, use MySQL 5 in strict mode with PHP 5.1.
- Use Drupal 4.7 beta1 or CVS HEAD on a production site with thousands of users; they'll do all the work for you. Not advised. ;)
- Differentiate your test setup: use the multi-site setup with database prefixing, use PostgreSQL, or focus on the less popular modules.
- Help upgrade contributed themes and modules. As soon you start touching code, you'll be able to find code/API bugs that are not triggered by any of the core modules.
- Migrate an existing Drupal 4.6 site and see if everything continues to work. Having a real-life database to start from tends to be better than having to start with an empty database.
- Take advantage of Drupal's error logging: periodically check your logs for 404s, errors, etc.
Drupal version: Drupal 4.7.x