Media Library Microproject – Update & Feedback Please!
Maarten Verbaarschot volunteered to take on a Microproject (thanks Maarten!) and for the past few weeks he has been working on interface design for a Media Library for Drupal. There is a great discussion going on in the issue queue that you might want to take a look at.
Maarten is currently working on the third iteration of these wireframes but he’d really love it if you can take a look and give him some feedback – anyone who has ever added an image to a web page should be able to have a say on this interface, so don’t hold back!
In particular, Maarten is looking for some user stories where users would be uploading content using this Media Library interface rather than uploading whilst in the process of creating a ‘node’ (story, article, post etc.). I know I have a couple but if you do also perhaps you can share them in the comments below or on the issue queue thread (if you’re a member of or would like to be!)
He is also working on an interactive prototype for this, and would love a little help from someone with good JavaScript skills so if you’re so inclined, please comment below.
You can see the work that Maarten has done so far here:
* Iteration 1:
* Iteration 2:
* Iteration 3: (in progress)
We really look forward to your feedback (here, on the flickr photos, on the issue queue, wherever is most comfortable for you).
Thank you Maarten for all your hard work so far! You rock!
And thank you to Maarten’s employers, Merge, for sponsoring a week of his time to work on this project. You rock too!