DrupalCamp Kyiv 2012
I would like to announce fifth DrupalCamp Kyiv. Official website of the event is http://camp12.drupal.ua/en. Twitter @drupalcampkyiv #dckyiv12
Camp will be held on 14-15 September 2012 at i-Klass education center that is located in the spectacular part of old Kiev in front of Pechersk Lavra
Previous times we gathered about 400 people from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and other countries. And this year we are pretty sure we won't have less people :)
We already have 16 sessions submitted (http://camp12.drupal.ua/en/program/session) including one in English (http://camp12.drupal.ua/uk/content/cache-king-english). We very welcome new speakers and attendees to come. If you have any questions about being speaker please contact me directly yuri.gerasimov(at)gmail.com.
This event is one of the biggest in Eastern Europe and can be great opportunity to find cooperation with local companies. If you are interested in sponsorship here is information for sponsors http://camp12.drupal.ua/en/content/why-be-sponsor-drupalcamp-kyiv-2012
Looking forward to see you all in Kyiv!
Tags: drupal planet