Drupal.org is a cesspool of undifferentiated **** (oops... content, that is)
Oops. I can't believe I said that.
Drupal has a long tradition of insisting that everybody's contribution is equal, that every piece of content is equal. We have to stop that.
It's nearly impossible to find the critical content on d.o and has been for a very long time. How do we fix this? Enlist the community.
Here are some broad brushstrokes:
- Differentiate content.
- Use flag module to mark content as useful, mark it as spam, mark comments as issue summaries, mark modules and themes as "I use this" and lots of other things.
- Curate more content. Can't we have articles on drupal.org promoted to the planet?
- Allow comments on modules and themes.
- Differentiate users. There are plenty of ways to do this without ranking users against each other or giving numbers to users. A module maintainer badge? A 5-year member badge? Infrastructure team badge?
- Find a leader (or pair of leaders) whose job is to promote the quality of the content of drupal.org. Right now, we tend to make decisions on things only based on infrastructure requirements, but we need to be thinking about content and usability far more than infra and performance. (I'm not saying that we shouldn't pay attention to performance, just that having a functional, usable site is far more important than the underlying infrastructure.)
OK, let's get started.
* Flagging individual comments as issue summaries
* Improving Flag module query efficiency
* Allow flagging content "Was this useful"
* Allow Planet promotion of d.o content
I should mention, Neil Drumm has made tremendous progress providing a documented path and tools to let ordinary mortals work on improvements to drupal.org. See So you want to make Drupal.org awesome?.
Crossposted from http://groups.drupal.org/node/150649, because I can get it on the planet from here, and can't from there!