HKDUG September 15 Meetup
Join the Hong Kong Drupal User Group for the September 15 meetup. We will focus on setting up your own virtual hosting environment with Virtualmin (, moreover how to tweak your website performance based on YSlow ( analyzes and suggestion. Special thanks to once again offered us use of their office in Quarry Bay.
The Hong Kong Drupal User Group are open to everyone with an interest in Drupal and are a great opportunity to learn more about what Drupal can do and what folks are building with it.
Here are the meetup details so far:
- (40 mins, by Edison) Live demo of Virtualmin + Debian Squeeze setup for Drupal virtual hosting.
- (40 mins, by Edison) Live demo of website performance tweaking based on YSlow anaylyes and suggestion.
- (20 mins, by volunteers) If you've got a tough problem that you'd like some different perspectives on, let's share it - Please kindly propose your problem here so we will able to prepare in advance.
- Your idea here - Suggestions welcome - Feel free to comment on this post or contact us directly!
- Date: 2011-09-15
- Time: 19:00 - 21:00+
- Location: 30/F, Oxford House, Taikoo Place, 979 King's Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong (
- Cost: FREE
- Contact: hswong3i [at] pantarei-design [dot] com, +852-9853-0636
- Official hashtag: #hkdug
Schedule (TBC):
- 19:00 ~ 19:10: Kick-off Session. Introduce yourself; enjoy with free pizza and drinks :-)
- 19:10 ~ 19:50: First Session. Live demo of Virtualmin + Debian Squeeze setup for Drupal virtual hosting.
- 19:50 ~ 20:00: Break. Free feel to share your Drupal question/knowledge/idea with each other!
- 20:00 ~ 20:40: Second Session. Live demo of website performance tweaking based on YSlow anaylyes and suggestion
- 20:40 ~ 21:00: Q&A Session. Don't wait and let us know about your issues :D
- 21:00 ~ 22:30: After event drinks. A 5mins walk from Oxford House, we'll have a cafe sharing section with a free drink at East End Brewery (
-, for meeting room reservation.
- PantaRei Design Limited, for after event drinks.
- There are sponsorship opportunities still available. Email kpyan0l [at] pantarei-design [dot] com for details.
- Volunteers wanted, contact hswong3i [at] pantarei-design [dot] com to help.
Original Article: