You and your development environment
I got annoyed by the mess on my laptop. Three years hence, its' hard disk has turned into an archive of stuff I've been working at some point or another. The vast majority ranges from fully fledged projects we maintain to half borked vanilla Drupal installations I once used to demo something to fully fledged. Over time, I changed employer a time or two and did some freelance stints. Each time, I had to adapt to new conventions, configurations, versioning tools and development setups.
In the end, the thing I *didn't* do well was managing my own development environment. I'm not talking about the technology I'm using (as it happens: I'm on a OSX using MAMP) but the way, or lack of, I kept order in the data I manage. Inevitably, you're development environment gets cluttered over time. If you're not very careful, you'll end up with stale databases, different versions of files, directories and dumps with no specific purpose, cryptic leftover configuration files,... In short: chaos. Why? There's only so much time, and at the end of the day, it's very easy to just wing it rather then clean up abandoned local projects. That's what happened to me.
So, I set forth to think how to improve this for myself. I've started using a set of common conventions each time I set up a new project. Most of them I picked up at Krimson. I decided to share them, here it goes:
- Create a Workspace folder i.e. /home/you/workspace. All PHP files, applications, DB dumps,... should be stored here.
- Group each project in it's own folder. i.e. /home/you/workspace/myproject. Of course, you might work for different clients or employers. Just prefix your folders: i.e. colada_project and krimson_project.
- Each project has four basic subfolders: www/ which contains your document root, db/ which contains database dumps, docs/ which contains your development information (notes,...) and patches/ with specific drupal patches you might need when setting up that project.
- Use virtual hosts. No exceptions. Putting each project in a subfolder of the documentroot so you can surf to http://localhost/myproject is bad practice since such setups require extra configuration in .htaccess. When you go live, you might end up doing mucking in your .htaccess. Or worse, discovering you have to change hardcoded URL's in your code if you were really careless!
- Use a comprehensive local domainname. You could go for "" or "myproject.lan". I use "netsensei.myproject" for extra clarity. The first part could also refer to the hostname of my machine.
- Each vhosts comes with its' own vconf file. In my MAMP, I have a separate folder called sites/ which contains a vhost configuration per project.
- Each configuration file is called netsensei.myproject.conf.
- Use a working template file for your configuration. Just copy and paste and alter when need to do so (you shouldn't on your own machine unless really needed!) This way, you'll avoid having to debug your configuration for the gazillionth time i.e. because the path to your logfiles contains an error.
- Same goes for your /etc/hosts file: keep it clean! I try to keep all the entries alphabetically ordered so I can easily find an entry in the list.
Of course, you don't have to work with /etc/hosts and configuration files. You could also do a one time setup of a local BIND DNS server and let Apache do the heavy lifting for you. Check out this article on how to set up a smarter MAMP.
As a Drupal dev, I'm 99.9% of the time working with a MySQL setup. But these should serve for any db system really...
- Never, ever use the root user to connect to your database from your project. Not even on your development machine. Why? It's a bad habit and mistakes are easily made. Moreover, if something goes really wrong, you don't want other projects to get messed up too.
- Use the same name for your database as for your user. Ie. DEV_MYPROJECT. Each user only has privileges granted to that database.
- Be consistent in how you name your user and database: always go for uppercase or lowercase. But don't intermingle. Keep things clear and simple.
- I use the DEV_ prefix on my local machine. Why? When my PHPMyAdmin tool is open, I want to be pretty sure that's not a production database I just dropped.
You didn't install Drush? Shame! You should! Drush Makes developer life a breeze!
- Use Drush aliases for every project you start! An alias file allows you to load and bootstrap Drupal from the command line from every location.
- Each file is called netsensei.myproject.alias.drushrc.php
Those are a few conventions we try to live by. Of course, most of this is sheer repetition after a while. To avoid errors, we wanted to automate the process of setting up a project. A few years back, we worked with a set of shell scripts to get the job done. Over time, we converted our scripts to Drush commands. We couldn't share them because they were very Krimson specific, locked in our own workflow. A few months back, we started using Git. Integrating support in our tools turned out to be quite the hack. So I ventured out and created my own Drush toolset called Rum. It does two things:
Setting up a new local project starting from a vanilla Drupal core setup or setting up an existing project from a remote repository (Git or Subversion) honoring the above conventions.
Rum allows you to delete the entire project including the vhost configuration setup, database and reference in the host file.
This is strictly a aid for use in a development environment. Of course, this is just one way of doing things. These might be the right tool when you're working on your own but turn out to be contraproductive on an enterprise level where individual developers many more variables to take into account. There are other ways of setting up development environments which allow you to easily and safely sync. I highly recommend looking at Vagrant which allows you to rapidly setup and tear down custom tailored virtualized development environments per project. I would also recommend taking a look into the realm of DevOps, which is a fairly young field aiming to tear down the wall between developers and system operators, lowering the bar for deployment, maintenance, security,... in terms of efficiency and flexibility.
I presented Rum and my own setup as a BoF session at DrupalCampGent 2012 on May 26th. I've put my slides on Slideshare (Dutch)